So Where is the Game Mechanic That Allows us to Flip a key Null System to Hi-sec? :psyccp:

What aspect of highsec would this reproduce? Concord? NPC stations? Mission running? I think a highsec island in the middle of The Kalevala Expanse would be kinda useful to the nullsec guys, and not so interesting for the highsec guys.

Ive no idea what I was on about when I wrote that, it was before coffee

I have thought this from when they first introduced the feature that it should go both ways. If high sec can be flipped, then all the systems affected by this should be flippable. Triglavian Invasion is limited to empire systems, so an EDENCOM victory in low sec should turn that system into a CONCORD patrolled high sec.

Reminder that the only reason OP posted this is because he’s a bad player who is salty about the changes. The only thing he knows is that his feelings are hurt when highsec drops to low/null status. So he thinks that he can “get back” at null players by asking for a mechanic that changes null to low/high status. while conveniently ignoring everything else about the event.

NS isnt as much NS as people make it look. It really is very HS in some parts, for certain people.

HS- High security - safer.

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Invasion content (the part when we shoot NPCs, and NPCs shoot us and each other) was made by only few people, 6 to 9, with additional help of art team and marketing.

The developer admitted that HE LIKES WHEN CONTENT COMES TO HIM, so he made it so.
I think he didnt think much about getting that content to null, because there is not much peeps there to admire it. Like with BLACKOUT.

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Two flaws with this reasoning:

  1. The thing about low-sec is that there isn’t “enough” of it as it is. You want to have more low-sec, because it allows for the possibility of finding underpopulated or even unpopulated clusters where you can do your thing with only occasional interference. Meanwhile, there’s no reason to have more high-sec, because even a handful of systems can sustain large amounts of players - it’s not like having a high-sec system all to yourself tangibly helps you in some manner.

  2. It would be ridiculously imbalanced to have low-sec level rewards (better rats, better anomalies, level 5 missions, etc.) in safe space. The entire high-sec population would instantly congregate in such systems, and you’ll have dozens of carebears in each belt, impotently cursing at each other for “taking their rat.” It would be funny, but ultimately frustrating and unsatisfying for everyone involved.

If anyone wants to have some fun, act out #2 with me by replying and pretending that you’re a carebear, and I just came into “your” belt and shot “your” rat. Make sure to use language, grammar, and spelling applicable to the situation.


When you say that there isn’t enough low sec systems do you really mean not enough low sec pass through systems that cause disruption due to how they spider off to dead ends mostly?

Why would it matter if a low sec system was overturned? Wouldn’t that cause just as much disruption?

I don’t know about anyone else, but if I said anything at all before you scooted off to the next belt, it would be a hearty o7. Sorry to kill the narrative and argument you have pre-planned to drag on for the next 20 posts or more, but there you go.

Well, you would, but not everyone is a refined person of culture like your esteemed self.

A small anecdote (this was about a decade ago): we had an alt in a high-sec bear corporation. They got into a spat with another local group because each “laid claim” to the system. It got so bad, that people were signing in after downtime before going to work to try to mine out the belts before the rivals could. Then during the rest of the day, the two groups just stared each other down in local and talked trash about each other’s mothers. So we used the character to ask “why don’t we just start a war with them and kick their butts?” There was a long silence, before the directors each started saying stuff like “well, we don’t have enough blah blah…” and “we can’t afford to blah blah…” A few days later, they bought a new Orca, so we went ahead and launched our own war. Ended up ransoming that Orca shortly after.

Sorry Peen, I don’t think you know how these people actually are. You sit in your solo corporation and run your invention jobs or whatever, and don’t actually interact with anyone. Well, aside from here, on the forums! We love having you around. Let me know if anyone ever picks on you, I’ll kill them for ya.

Space is empty. @ Destiny Corrupted

A couple of years ago I did the math and there were like 280 goons per sov system held, obviously many are alts but I would hardly call that empty.

Alexander The Mittani is a strong and powerful leader to have that many followers.

Did you do the math to find out how many were like crammed into six systems with hundreds left empty?

Balos once compared high-sec ganking to chattel slavery, but wouldn’t a much more accurate analogue of that be null-sec life? Just think about it: those people get packed into “allowed” systems like sardines, toil away in the asteroid belts for someone else’s benefit, fleet ops are basically chain gangs, and if you ever try to leave, you get hunted down and killed for sport.


I have one word for you:


I’m fairly new, but doesn’t sovereignty require an actual corp/alliance? “HiSeccers” aren’t an entity. HiSec in an of itself isn’t a singular corporation, alliance or bloc. Not sure what amount of players makes a “bloc”. Who exactly would hold sovereignty? And the OP’s point was the flipping of security states. If a HiSec corp took sovereignty of a null system nothing has changed. It’s still null. And they’re no longer HiSec players. So rather or not the “true HiSeccers” would come out to flip it to HiSec is irrelevant. They won’t because if they were into that kind of stuff they wouldn’t be so-called “carebears”.

The question is, how would you feel about a mechanic in which null can be permanently flipped to high.

Will it be “fake Hi-sec” like it is “fake null” flipped systems in hi-sec? Meaning, only change is sec status, edencum ships floating around and concord responding to aggresion. Every other null mechanic remains: capital ships, bombs, cynos … and other ? :smiley: that’d be so stupid that I’d want to see it happen just for the lolz.

like: Concord jumping on titan xD … hahahaha

Let’s imagine that CCP introduces a system by which nullsec may be switched to highsec in the same way Liminality lowers highsec to null, meaning that the rules for travel and spawning within the system stay the same but now CONCORD shows up. Every single popular krabbing system in null would be flipped to highsec the moment it enters the invasion state because it’d categorically be the best way to do it, imagine never having to worry about your rorquals or ratting supers being ganked ever again because CONCORD will just kill anyone who tries? Now lets imagine that it flips in a way different than liminality and changes the travel and spawning rules, turning a -1.0 system into an actual .7 system, not a single system in any sov area would ever change because the people who live there have a vested interest in maintaing their space and enough bodies to throw around to force an outcome they want.

Theres no point in giving the option to flip null to high because it either ends up being a massive power boost for the entrenched nullblocs or a waste of coding time since nothing will ever flip to highsec

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Agreed with Hiyora. You don’t fix a poorly executed idea by spreading the poor execution to other areas of the game.

Kind of hilarious to see the small-dog-syndrome crowd come in barking about how hi-seccers are all useless lazy cowards afraid to undock, when if I recall the origins of everyone in the game correctly, every single player starts in high sec.

They do however have it correct that it’s unlikely any high sec group would ever bother to go flip a null sec system, so if the possibility existed it would only be manipulated by Null sec groups to whatever suited their advantage most.

You fix bad ideas with better ones, not by proliferating the bad.