[SoERR] Reports from On the Way Home evacuation base


After a relatively calm time perior, with the escalating fighting in Floseswin the past weeks and now rising international tensions, the base serving the immediate warzone and border regions has its hands full of work again. As most refugees are internally displaced clans seeking shelter from the storm in high security, the base is doing fine regarding Vitoc and medical supplies, but we find ourselves struggling with simple housing and feeding needs. Should individuals wish to help, stock levels can be monitored here and donations are always welcome.

Should it happen that we go to war, we expect a rise in individuals liberated from Empire regions, at which point maintaining good Vitoc stock levels also becomes of outmost importance.


Exploding mountains with antimatter does not tend to generate huge numbers of living refugees, and evacuations were mostly complete already in any case, so the refugee base is calm. We lost the Insorum team field lab, however, and the station has been busy with allied traffic: 2nd Besateoden has had to evacuate what remains of a base that was a tad too close to the disappeared mountain and they stage on the station while they set whatever it is they are doing back up, Stormwind PMC are leaving system on account of the escalation in Floseswin, and we have had the honor to help treat a small number of STRA wounded.

Guns that pointed in the same direction have started to point at random things again, and there’s been fighting between STRA and the warclones. As an upside some of the Veles seem to have turned their weapons away from human populations and towards Svarog. It’s getting messy again. I guess that’s Skarkon for you; the place has a special place in the heart of Fate.

Volunteer of the STRA on Skarkon II, caught on camera just as she sees from afar the sky lighting up with the antimatter explosion suspected of killing Kril Efrit. ((OOC credit: https://www.instagram.com/thiriumichor/))