SOLD 152M SP 2006 PVP

So “new player”. Tell me how you ended up with 60 billion to spend on day 5?

Still up for grabs

daily bump

Whether to accept 120B

I will offer 121 bil for it, isk ready

wow, barely over extraction!!! troll.

Thanks for the offers - Extraction is at 120.6 B. So I’d really need 130–150 B for him.


Leorne was my original toon… I sold him back in 2012-13 when I departed Aperture Harmonics. I think I sold him for a little over 27 billion isk at the time.

With scarcely 50 mil more SP than when I parted ways with him it’s shocking to see how far prices have been driven up by a significantly inflated PLEX value.

Good luck to you with your sale. I am sure he is worth every cent an individual spends on him. He is especially useful in wh space since he can jump in damn near any capital shy of a super. (at least he could when i owned him)

Take care!!!

Hello. I am ready to pay 130 bil for him. Please let me know


I’ll accept 130 B. Send isk and account info in game and I’ll start the transfer.

Sounds great GrandMoff - I’ve enjoyed him, but just got to the point where I need to clean house. He is a great toon. Plenty of SP to do really whatever you’d like.

Great ! Gonna be at home in 15 hours from duty and will send the isk. Thanks

Sounds good - I’ll look for it.

Isks and account info have been sent. Awaiting for the character.

Isk received and Transfer initiated - thank you!

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Leorne

Will be completed after: 4/9/2020 11:32:09 PM


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