SOLD 201m SP Combat character (Sub-cap)

WTS 201m SP Combat character


No kill rights
Positive wallet
Currently docked in Jita
Full +5 implant set (Not that this matters much… :slight_smile: )

In game offers not accepted as I will not be logged in for some time.

Price: Make me an offer I can’t refuse…


Thanks for the offer.

It’s a bit low, but I will consider it if no one else have responded by the comming sunday.

Daily bump



Last bump - I will sell the character at the current price range. Will check the forum again around 19:00 EVE-time and take things from there.

The character is yours for 182bil. Please contact me ingame for account name etc.

isk sent
acc info ingame

ISK received, but not the account name. will try to relog the character

got it

Done, Thanks.

Please let me know in this thread when you have received the character.

Another player is transferring the character Miraliana to your account named xxxxxx

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on the sender account, but will not be playable until the transfer automatically completes.

Thank you!

Great, thanks again - enjoy the character =)

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