SOLD 28m SP All around character with Cyno 5 & Heavy Drones 5

Solid all around character with 250k SP unallocated

Cyno 5
Gal Cruiser 5
Heavy Drones 5
Decent Scanning


Asking 24 Billion

Positive Wallet
NPC Corp
Docked in Jita
No Kill rights.
Standard Remap with the 2 bonus available

20B OK?

Intentionally~~~ But I rarely go to the forum.,You can send me an email in the game.,Thank you~.

I’ll accept the 20b. I will email you as well.

Please send over ISK and Account info and I will get the transfer started.

ISK, which account to transfer to?

Send the ISK to Loki, the character for sale. I will transfer it off of him prior to starting the transfer.

20B isk, it has been transferred, and the transfer account has been emailed to you by game, please start the transfer immediately

Received. Transfer has been started.

Thanks much.

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