[SOLD] 37m SP Curse alt (clean injected char, recent)

Tsumana Ikkala’s [Skills ]

injected a few days ago. Clean history. 2 bonus remaps, currently under a few boosters +10stats

all rules of ccp character sales will be followed:
positive wallet
free from kill rights
in high sec and npc corp
sec status -0.4
No kill rights


Confirming I am for sale

Technically, per rules, the char being sold was supposed to make the topic

They have a antoher topic with this charecter but im not understand why they do 2 sales at same time WTS 30m SP Curse alt (clean injected char, recent)

A post was merged into an existing topic: WTS 30m SP Curse alt (clean injected char, recent)

A post was merged into an existing topic: WTS 30m SP Curse alt (clean injected char, recent)

I’m confused too. Been asked to delete first one.
Recreated one where I commented on mod and got closed.
Created a third one.

And now see that this one that was closed, is reopened.

Will ask to get other post closed, this is the MAIN post

Bump. still for sale

Closing for now due to lack of interest

Ill give you 8b for it :man_shrugging:

15b if you are still selling

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Sorry was selling a bunch of toon and don’t have notif everywhere… Still selling, char is older and with more SP now (36m)
Updated offer?

20bil I pay instantly if acepted

Give me a minute to consider. Getting back to you in 10m

Char has 37m SP now, 31.5 extractable.

That’s 63 extractors * (890m - 414m), totalling around 30b profit, let’s say 28b if we are generous on taxes and stuff.

Given char is clean, good name, KB, clean skills…

Won’t sell below extracting price

Ohh sad my budget was that much only.

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Understood. Sorry for the raw answer, a lot of pro extractor sending lowball offer, but i see your history is clean and your intention were most likely noble. If no interest I’ll consider your offer instead of extracting and wasting.

Thanks for your interest and offer

I offer 27 bil ~ Reply me ~

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28b deal? :grin:
If so can send the isk and notify, will proceed to transfer (send account name in game)

OK,deal~ pls provide the char name who accept ISK~