[SOLD] Abyssal Glory Skins - [PLEX FOR GOOD]

Haven’t read the message but I’ll up to 45b.

Edit: Just read your message. Your proposition makes sense and I would normally go for it, but since this is Plex for Good, lets get this as high as possible and may the winner take the first package.

Alternatively, you can always buy the second pack of skins they have for sale. And we can get this even higher.

Well the idea would be that instead of just getting 45b from one buyer, we could pool more (since we are both willing to pay 45 clearly) and give them closer to 80b, both come out with SKINs.

Like you say you aren’t willing to go up to 100b on this, but together we could make a bid very close to that no?

Raise to 46b for the first pack otherwise.

I’ll up to 50b for the first pack.

And as you said you are missing some skins from the second, you can buy the second and we can get it up higher! (I REALLY want the Manticore, Purifier and Hecate skins)

Haha for me it’s mostly the navy frigs and nemesis which are unfortunately mostly in the first pack.

Up to 51b

Ok so how about this, I let you take these from the first pack ( I take Manticore, Purifier and Hecate):

Federation Navy Comet
Imperial Navy Slicer
Republic Fleet Firetail

BUT you need to buy the second pack, so we get this higher. Just in case I’ll up to 55B on the full first pack in case you don’t agree.

If you give me one more of those 3 then you’ve got a deal, assuming @Babbs_Cor is willing to add them to the second pack and is ok with this arrangement of course

You are getting greedy. That’s my deal, take it or leave it.

I don’t appreciate being called greedy when I am the one who came up with this idea to try and have everyone come out happy and more total funds be raised :frowning: I am only looking for 16 SKIN’s, which would have left you the lion’s share in any case.

up to 60b for the first pack.

So, you are looking for 16 skins, I offer you a way to get 13 skins (81% of your goal) and get this Plex for Good to an amazing end, but you say you need 14 or nothing…and you think that’s not greedy?

70b on the first package it is then

Up to 75b

@Shaktar I’m not getting into an argument about greed in a charity auction thread. Not sure why you are resorting to personal attacks. Maybe my tone came across wrong but I didn’t intend any offense.

I’ll up to 80b on first pack

81b for the full first pack

82B on the first pack

up to 83b for the first pack

84b on the first pack. I’m off to lunch.

Bon apetit! I’m happy to see we’ve gotten the price up to a nice high number without even splitting the pack!

@Babbs_Cor when are you planning on ending the auction?

Edit: I see it says around the 19th. I might miss it but If I don’t win, I’d still be happy to let you know how the process worked last time in case CCP hasn’t gotten back to you yet and you want to get things ready in time for the campaign’s end.

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Thanks, I had budgeted 150b for the Plex For Good campaign. You should buy the second pack though so we get this over the 100b mark!

If CCP gives us an easy way to transfer the SKINs this time so I can just take the 6 I’m missing from that pack without wasting the rest then absolutely! But the method CCP wanted us to use last time required the char to be transferred back and forth and for the SKINs to be redeemed directly onto the character. It is a lot of hassle for just 6 SKINs (since with this method you literally cannot take the SKIN’s you already have redeemed).

I’ll leave it for someone else to take in whole or for Babbs to build up for the next P4G :slight_smile:

Question: last time did you transfer your main or an alt? As I’m reluctant to transfer my main (Shaktar), i’ll probably use an alt, yet I was wondering if once the alt is back in my possession, I can petition CCP to have them transferred to my main.

A paid token to un-redeem skins so you can transfer them within the same account (not sell them again) would be the way to go. Its like CCP does not want to take our money, so many times has this been asked for and it has no impact on the game’s economy, just helps collectors consolidate their collections.