Buy Out - 12b ISK

Some notable skills:

  • Exhumer 5
  • Reprocessing Efficiency 5
  • Mining Upgrades 5

B/O here, would you allow me 24h?


In case anything goes wrong with the sale, let me know, im in and ready to send isk anytime.

thank you, preparing and will send it shortly (at work at the moment but when I come back), to who I send the isk?

Please send to this character as per guidelines, then send me an evemail with account name I am to transfer it to and I’ll start that process!

Thank you, back from work I’m going to send the isk in few hour, will notify you here

payment + eve email sent

Isk Received, Transfer has been started via eveonline account management. Thank you very much for the purchase. Cheers

Received thank you and fly safe!

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