SOLD Female Combat 30m Tengu with rare ikitursa skin

Finally My main get the skills she have, not need more.

Cybernetics V
Amarr cruiser V
Amarr Derstroyer V
Amarr Frigate V
Caldari Cruiser V
Caldari Destroyer V
Caldari Frigate V
Caldari Startegic Cruiser IV
Gallente Hauler V (DST)
Gallente Cruiser V
Gallente Destroyer V
Gallente Frigate V

Minmatar Frigate V
Minmatar Cruiser V
Minmatar Destroyer V
Minmatar Frigate V
Precursor Cruiser V
Precursor Frigate V

2 m skill points available, can be use them for DST, cyno, or make a interdictor.

I am moving other character to this account, can transfer in 10 hours,

is in The Forge , no killing rights, posirive wallet, already left the corp, i pay the transfer, two +5 implants an next month can be respecced to other thing.

Have the Ikitursa niflhel Gildclaw skin -18 b in JITA

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Today bump

another bump

daily bump

Interested, seek me in game for made a deal.

Deal accpeeted in game and eve mail.

Go to transfer now.
