SOLD Female Perfect Alpha and Stealth Bomber 28.6m

Because i have not muche use for her now, i am selling this character

my stats

A perfect alpha is a character aroundf 20m points , who has all the alpha points assigned,. if alpha, combate powers are maxed.

plus :

torpedo V -
Interplanetary Consolidation 5 Six planets
Accounting V
Broker relations V
amarr frigate v - retribution - Purifier
301 skins
clone +4
one corp hisstory

ten days to use DST

28,567,401 toital skill points
2,990,000 unallocated skill points

The character is in high sec, no killing rights, one clone with the +4, positive wallet, is in a npc corp, i pay the transfder. interested answer the thread.

MIght want to edit your unallocated: 2.9 million…not 23 million. Free and friendly bump!

1 Like


sunday bump

15b offer

16B offer

17B offer

Can u please say me how much time need to do this fit ?

[Paladin, Simulated]
Capacitor Flux Coil II
Capacitor Flux Coil II
Capacitor Flux Coil II
Capacitor Flux Coil II
Capacitor Flux Coil II
Imperial Navy Heat Sink
Imperial Navy Heat Sink

Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery
Republic Fleet Large Cap Battery
Large Micro Jump Drive
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II

Dark Blood Heavy Energy Nosferatu
Mega Modal Pulse Laser I
Mega Pulse Laser I
Mega Pulse Laser I
Mega Pulse Laser I
Bastion Module I
Imperial Navy Large EMP Smartbomb
Prototype Cloaking Device I

Large Capacitor Control Circuit II
Large EM Shield Reinforcer II

Hobgoblin II x5
Hornet EC-300 x5
Acolyte II x5

Conflagration L x96
Scorch L x67
Core Scanner Probe I x8
Damage Control II x1
Core Probe Launcher I x1
Mobile Tractor Unit x1

If time is less than two months, i can offer 23b

I am Cybernetics IV and need one month and 29 days. Basically, i am per/wil and you need put :

Advanced Weapon Upgrades V
Amarr Battleship V

I m in work now, but can enter to speak in game

I agree as the conversation in game terms, and agree to transfer topmorrow morining because the buyer need free the space.

transfer now as the buyer request

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