Sold Please Close

WTS Great Sub Capital Pilot with 110 million SP

Wallet: positive balance.
No kill rights at all.
No Jump Clones, Current clone has set of +5’s
Character will be located at Jita Moon 4.
Two remaps available.

Perfect Shield
Perfect Missiles
Perfect Scanning
Perfect Navigation
Very good Drones, Engineering, Electronics.

Start bid of 80 billion.
Buy Out 87 Billion

I will pay Transfer fee.
In an NPC Corp

Thanks for the opening bid and a bump

Any More Offers?

83b offer

Thanks for the Bid.
Looking for a bit more than 83bill, Keep those bids coming we are getting very close to a figure i will accept.


Reserve and Buyout Added
Thanks for bids

Daily Bump

Bump to the top

Daily Bump


Thanks for the bid almost there.

Buyout reduced to 90 Billion

Any Takers ?

Daily Bump

Marauders 5 Completed

offer of 87 billion received by C4rlit0 via email.
offer accepted awaiting isk and account information

i sent to you now
isk sent you now
transfer to me

Grand Justice, Sent 85 Billion the wrong amount of isk i asked him for the full amount of 87 billion and he refused so isk returned in full. Grand Justice and C4rlit0 are same person really not worth trying to deal with.

Char back up for sale first person to offer 87 billion gets him, clean char only ever been in NPC corp



81b offer

87b BO.
Can do trade/transfer in 3 hours from now.

Thanks for your buyout bid

ok send me the isk and details and i will transfer him to you.


Sending now.