WTS Bryen Hummers Skillboard || Eve Is ESI || A Third Party Eve Online App

Flies Aeon, Hel, Naglfar, Phoenix, and a range of subcaps very well. See skill sheet.
Positive sec status.
Currently located in highsec.

All proceeds will be going to the current PLEX for Good. Happy to provide verification to CCP & Buyer to this effect.

Bids starting 75B ISK (extraction value). Will accept the first decent offer I get if it doesn’t get outbid within 12 hrs, or the best offer 24hrs before the Plex for Good drive ends.

Payment in PLEX preferred, will give 5% discount.

Your Skillboard Link is not Pointing to the Charakter which you are selling here. Please correct this.


My apologies. Link is correct but apparently it was set to private.

I would be willing to do 70b isk if you would consider it. Hope for a quick sale o7

Bryen Hummer I can offer 64B

I will, obviously, not be selling for any less than extraction value.

So i guess you are not actually selling the character for the Plex for Good Cause then , you just want people to buy high by using their sympathy for the situation irl

Then I can offer you 75b

Nobody with a brain would sell a 132m SP character for 64B.

Yes, I included the Plex for Good in the title in case it motivates someone to be generous. As I said, I will provide verification to the buyer & CCP that the ISK went to the campaign.

Only looking for what I would consider to be a fair price, however. 75B is the bare minimum, as I could get that extracting it myself. Buyout would have to be an offer significantly higher. I will sell it to anyone who offered more than 75B when the time runs out (24hrs before end of P4G campaign).

76B offer could do PLEX if u want

Thanks for the bids. Bump.

Edit: Payment in ISK only IAW bazaar rules. Auction will end at 23:59:59 UTC on Tuesday 21* March, and character will go to the highest bidder, unless a buyout is accepted before then.

Bump. Auction will end at 11:59pm on the 20st March (48 hrs before Plex for Good ends).

/edited to 48hrs before end of campaign to allow time to contact winner and arrange payment.


Bump, will accept highest bid (above 75B) when action ends in 3 days.

Bump. If anyone is interested in something more specialised (e.g. Aeon only, or Phoenix only), shoot me a PM and we can discuss extracting it down to meet your requirements.

I have contacted you by email in the game

82B offer

Accepted, send ISK and acc info

Isk and ACC info have been sent

Hi, can you please send ACC info again, I deleted the mail when I was prepping it for transfer like a moron. Will initiate the transfer shortly.