Sold ty

Stripped char from 2007 with 13M SP left. Pass- nyx

  • All Dread books injected
  • All Carrier books injected
  • Gallente Titan skill injected
  • Doomsday skill injected
  • Light/ Haeavy and Support Fighters injected
  • Mid grade Amulet set
    -10.0 sec. status
    Wallet at zero

Bidding starts at 10B
Post here or mail me (Lucky Bee) ingame

nobody can see your char due to pw

Confirming i am for sale.
Pass - nyx

8 bil .

Bidding starts at 10b

10 bil.

Bid confirmed, ty

13 bil, if you accept today :slight_smile:

I had 15b in mind, but if you meet me half way i’ll accept.

14 Billion it is, you have a deal.

ISK & account info will be transferred shortly

Copy that, will transfer char when home from work (char is in npc corp, but not showing on skillboard)

ISK & Account info sent to Mr. Yakudza

Character Name: Mr Yakudza

Will be completed after: 6/9/2020 1:12:30 AM

Thnx for doin smooth business

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