[SOLD] VNI Ratting Alts for sale 2.75 Bill each separately or all

okay dart

I will purchase “shoneri Eistiras” for 2.75bil, if all the normal character bazaar conditions apply? ( Welcome to the Character Bazaar )



I will purchase your char shoneri Eistiras for 2.75bil if all the normal character bazaar conditions apply

I will mail you in-game for confirmation


send isk to tank please

Ill buy all for 7b

I accept send money to shoneri eistiras

lol…too late for me) just in case - ISK ready

Sending isk soon, need to sent up accounts for these toons real quick

sent you a message in game

okay shooterr

Isk and Account info sent

isk received thanks , trasfering accounts soon

please provide the accounts ids now so I initiate trasfering now

I sent them to you in game

resend please

Sent you them again

What are the chances of you reserving a character for me?

none sorry

I initiated trasfering all alts like you requested in the ingame mail thanks.
