SOLD WTS 100mil SP Toon

Looking to sell this guy Gossamer R2

He has amazing Super / Carrier skillz as well as Fax and Rorq skillz.

Bidding starting at 95 Bil, anything lower will not be entertained. Buyout at 115 Bil.

He has positive Isk wallet, 0 kill rights, and is in high sec space.

95 bil

I was going to keep this auction open until this weekend unless the buyout is met. Thank you for the offer. Please let me know if you have any questions.

Bump, Looking to get this deal done today if possible.

transfer card/plex?

I’ll pay for transfer through CCP with Credit Card.

are you still good for the 95bil for the character?

I’ll take it if he doesn’t. Isk in hand ready to go

I’ll give him a few hours today unless you want to outbid him.

95.5 b ready to go

Make it 97 and we can complete a deal right now.

96 bil

He now has over 100mil SP
With an extra 1.1mil unallocated SP

97b ready to go

Bid accepted. Please transfer isk and I will PM you for account transfer details.

98 b ready

you don’t even let me time for answering before accepting bid…

My apologies I need this deal done this morning and I did already accept the other guys bid .

Isk and account info sent

Isk recieved