[SOLD] WTS 14.1m SP Exhumer nullsec Mining toon (Gas, Ice, Ore)


Taking offers on my mining toon


I’ll pay for transfer (credit card)
No killrights
Positive Wallet
No JC active
Positive Security Standing
Located in Jita 4-4
2 Bonus remaps


Daily Bump, Lets get cracking :slight_smile:

8 Bil BO

Will let it go for 1 more day, was hoping to get a bit more

Auction ending @ 27/03/2019 on 8pm eve time

9 bil

@Gary_Bell your move :smiley:

9.1 bil ?

Am I the winner of this auction? Can I send you isk?

9.2 Dident see this? Still Open? COnvo me ingame

@Blathmac_Dal_Fiatach bidding war still on


Would love to have the isk tonight.

@Gary_Bell character is yours. Awaiting payment on character

Plz send ingame mail with account details

Seding isk and mail now

Mail and isk recived. Starting transfer now

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