[SOLD] WTS 147m SP Pilot


Locate - Jiva 4-4, no killrights, positive wallet

Bidding starts at 130B
B/O: 150B

I will wait until Saturday (April 14) and will accept the best offer (130B or higher).

Wanna trade mine?

Sorry mate, only a sale without an exchange.

130 bil


130 bill bid accepted. I will wait for money and account information if everything is ok.

I can do 130 too

Hi p.V., unfortunately, my ISK resources are tied up in other character purchases with pending transfers. Please proceed with other offers.

Ok, I understand.

QueenOfEast, if your bid is in force, then I’m ready to send the character after receiving money and account info.

I can send 131B isk now if can transfer within next 24hours


Is the character still there?

Yes, so far no one has sent an account info and money. :frowning:

come online? isk ready

Online now

K convo please

ISK and account info sent … awaiting confirmation email thank you

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: prosto Vovka

Will be completed after: 4/16/2018 12:15:30 AM

tranfer confirmation received man ty for being quick +1 seller good work thanks

ty too, fly safe!