[SOLD] WTS 19.4M SP Hulk Pilot near perfect mining

WTS Myself

Great name!

EveSkillBoard - https://eveskillboard.com/pilot/Vorgx_Orion

Skill Points 19,427,682

Unallocated 1,655,000

Remap available immediately.

Located in 4-4 with +5 training implants

No Killrights, Positive Wallet.

Skill Highlights

  • Near Perfect Exhumer skills
  • Great refining skills
  • Great PI Skills

Transfer will be done with via payment service through CCP

B/O at 19 Bil or best offer before April 10th

Serious offers only, Not looking to sell to skill extractors, no lowballing.

Daily Bump

15 Bill

Thank you for the offer, I will keep it open still to give others a chance to make offers.

Daily Bump

16 bill

1 Like

Thank you for your offer you still have the highest one.

Bid 17bn

Thank you for your Bid, You are now in the lead


B/O Accepted, Awaiting for the ISK to be received by me

lsk sent
will post here when bia is complete to transfer

Isk Received, Please give me a correct account to transfer to, The one you gave me was incorrect or disabled “Target user not found or not active”

I’m sorry I’ve re emailed

Slot is open and ready

Can you please meet me in game, It is still not working

I’m sorry I sent it again

There’s no mistake this time

Transfer Complete, You will have your character in 10 hours

Role transfer succeeded