Selling this 2007 Industry & Science Alt with 0 wasted skillpoints (Only pay for what you really need).
Location: Jita 4-4
0.0 Security Status
0.0 ISK balance
No kill rights
2 Bonus remaps available
+4 Implants
9.7m Skillpoints in Science (Includes Advanced Laboratory Operation V)
5.9m Skillpoints in Production (Includes Advanced Medium Ship Construction V)
Relics of the old days:
7.6 Minmatar Republic and 7.5 Gallente Federation Standing (For anchoring POSes in Highsec… when that was a thing).
Access to the best Datacore Agents (Remember those? Yeh, me neither)
25b b/o
18b Starting bid
I’ll pay the transfer fee.
Answers will probably be slightly delayed due to work and stuff.