SOLD_WTS 20m Ragna holder pilot

NPC Corporation more than 8 years.
Positive wallet balance.
No kill rights and clear combat log
Security status 0.0
Located in Jita hub
the pilot is untrained and fully ready for transfer
All CCP Rules are adhered to

The pilot was planned as a Ragna pilot, so basic capital ship skills including the titan itself are learnt at 5.
There are all the necessary skills for further study of Ragna titan.

There is a clone with +5 attributes modifiers for quick study and not full HG Ascendancy set (5 main implants)
Also pilot has 3 bonus remap available


Starting bid - 16Bil
B/o - 20 Bil

15B offer

16b to start

That’s a good start.


17b offer

Thanks for your offer

I’m waiting until the end of the day today, whoever has the highest bid will get the pilot in the end.
The highest bid so far is 17Bil.

Is your offer up to date?

of course

As there are no more ISK offers I suggest you send me the data for the pilot transfer, and 17B ISK.

sent to you

ISK and mail received. Please read the private message in the game.

Pilot transfer complete

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