WTS Max Titan pilot { Ragnarok } 152 + mil sp

Also Pilot is in a npc corp in jita 4-4
He Is trained also with Avatar weapon skills and Leviathan weapon titan skills just no titan books for them
Also has H-G Amulet and H-G Nirvana complete set implants both in High sec
2010 Char
Positive wallet
In Jita 4-4
Sec Status Positive
In H-G Amulet
Remap available
In NPC Corp- Republic Military School
No kill rights

Starting bid at 135 B
Buy Out- 140 bil or close to it.

Serious buyers ONLY nothing under 130 b. thank you… I’m in no rush.

GanknTank Skill & Standings Sheet (tools4eve.com)

120B b/o

125bil buy out. isk in hand

The link for the skillboard only shows the Amulet slots 1-5 no omega. Could you provide pictures?

Yes I will be up and rubi g around in about 2/3 hours and will have pictures of both sets complete. And of them being in hi sec station. If you need any other picture let me know

2nd image i have the H-G Nirvana and complete set with omega ccp can look if u have a dispute

154 b/o

Offer 154 bill accepted send isk and account you want pilot on , will do this as fast as possible thank you

retracted, found another toon.


145b isk in hand.

Skillboard was taken offline, please update to char.tools4eve.com

GanknTank Skill & Standings Sheet (tools4eve.com)


140b buyout

I accept your buy out of 140 b. Send isk to me and Send acct Iinfo to transfer pilot . And I’ll do it asap Thank you

Isk and account info sent.

I’m logging in now and will finish this and transfer asap stand by
Isk received 140 bill
Account received
starting xfer now

Thank you. Your Credit Card account was billed on: Mon, 27 Mar 2023 15:49:03 GMT, in the amount of 20.00 USD.

Account: xxxxxxxx
Payment ID: 55195010
1 x Character Transfer
TOTAL = 20,00 USD

ok pilot has been transferred. all good now

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