WTS 31.3M Ragnarok Pilot

I want to sell 31M focused ragnarok pilot.

Isk possitive
|Date of Birth |2014-02-16
Skill Points 31,332,855
Yearly Remap 1
Bonus Remaps 2
Security Status 0.01

Currently Training
Minmatar Titan V|
1 week from now
2019-05-03 17:28:38


Highly focused

Starting 35b
B/O 45b

35 bill
titan no 5 lvl and doomsday no 5 lvl its low level shield skills

Titan 5 in 8 Days so…

shield skills low level and doomsday

36b b/o

Bump o7

have to withdraw, have to spend the money otherwise :confused:

@laocin_fei would accept the 35b if still interested

35b now


дайте мне 2 часа я должен вернутся домой что бы перевести иск

its 23pm here (21eve). need to sleep soon. will take a look in at about 04:00(eve) if you have send the isk and accountname till then, ill right off initiate the transfer.

я готов отправлять иск


я отправил иск на T34L’C

Money Recieved, but you didnt send me the accountname. Pls send me the target accountname via ingamemail


Trasfer started

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