I want to sell 34M focused ragnarok pilot.
Isk possitive
Located in Jita
Date of Birth 2016-08-09
Skill Points 33,736,823
Unallocated SP 564,760
Yearly Remap 2 months from now
Bonus Remaps 2
Security Status 2.02
Skins: https://puu.sh/DhKkL/e43f48d370.png
Killboard: https://zkillboard.com/character/96652011/
Only useful skills trained, 100% focused
- great jump clones
- 2 rag and 1 hel skins
- 9,4M SP in spaceship command
- 8,8M SP in gunnery
- 6,5M SP in navigation
- 3,9M SP in engineering
- over 500.000 unallocated skill points to use
- short killboard and corporation history
Starting bid: 33 bil