- wallet and sec status, no kill rights
3 improved clones(2 with faction mindlinks) and 1 High Grade slave clone
remap available now +1 bonus remap
212 level V skills
1m unassigned sp
no assets or ISK included
still for sale
192 billion
Awesome char
Shame I don’t have enough isk
Thanks for the bids. Going to let her ride a few days. 260b buyout if you really don’t want to wait.
How are you I am a novice
I want to buy
But don’t know how to deal
I have a 7430PLEX
Sell your PLEX,but 7430 plex is not engough to pay for this.,you need 70000+ plex
Confirming 192 billion.
High bid is or was 225b. She won’t be sold for less than that. I will probably end the auction Wednesday one way or another. Today only because I got a couple game mails; first to post 235b bid wins.
Please keep inquiries to the thread as I don’t check email.
235b,I bid and will send you isk in hours.
MoMoSa wins, I will start transfer when I receive ISK and account info. Thanks
Isk and account send.
Transfer begun.
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