SOLD - WTS 22MIL SP ORCA Pilot with reaction/trade



2 Remaps Avail
0.0 Sec Status
Positive Wallet
No Killrights
NPC Corp

Neutral with Trig and Edecom so no need for the Pov trip.

Max Shields resistance
Max Reaction

Currently in +5 clone (has a another with +5s)

Located in Amarr
338k unallocated SP

Starting bid 5bil
Reserve hidden

Going to be listed for 7 days and Omega will run out after.

If anything is out of line or not to standard char sale, please let me know.

You can sell an alpha account

Also in your settings on the skillboard
Change to this to show a breakdown of skills

10bil buy out. Isk in hand

Oh didnt know that they changed that. Thanks for the heads up.

14bil Isk ready

send isk and details.

Sry Already Found another character will have to retract my offer

13 Bil I can pay now (My Budget)

no thx

Kelma 13.7B

13.6B B/O

You offering less than the previous bidder? ::confused::

i have 14 bil lets do this

Send info and isk in game. B/O accepted.

give me 20mins

ISK and eve mail sent

Need the account name to transfer it to, waiting in game.

Eve mail has Account name


Thank U

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