SOLD - WTS - 8atman 30mil SP Combat Toon

Location: High Sec, Atlanins, Docked
Corporation: NPC
Security Status: 0.3
Wallet: Positive
Kill rights: None
Augmentations: None
Jump Clones: None
Unallocated SP: 45,260
Bonus Remap: 1
Skill Points: 30,304,654
Skills at level 5: 41


All CCP rules apply. Seller to pay transfer fee,

8atman - I rarely log this toon on, please leave offers here and I will contact you.

20 bil

20,5 bill

I’m logged on in game. Contact me until 1300 eve time

lets talk i am logg in now

Offer Accepted

ISK and Accont name sended.

6 hours from now you can start the transfer


No problem, transfer will be done at 1830 eve time today

from now you can start the transfer

Transfer done.


We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: 8atman

Will be completed after: 4/22/2019 4:32:39 AM

thank you :slight_smile: toon arrived!

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