3 remaps available
Located in Amarr
NPC Corp
Positive wallet
Start bidding at 6b
3 remaps available
Located in Amarr
NPC Corp
Positive wallet
Start bidding at 6b
6b bid
I’ll close the bidding at 7:00 eve time or at a buy out of 14b.
I bid via ingame mail at 16:00 Eve time, did you receive my offer?
What is the current bid?
Current bid is 6b by Zhapp Brannigann due his bid being about 30mins earlier.
6.5b bid
1 hour remaining on auction. Current bid is 6.5b.
6.6b bid
Sold to Syn Vath at 6.6b. send isk and acct to send it to and I will start the transfer @Syn_Vath
Isk and account name sent
Thank you kindly and a pleasure doing business with you, will confirm when character is received.
sounds good. pleasure doing business
Character received thanks again!