【SOLD】WTS 97.96mil sp Wyvern/Nyx/Hel carrier pilot

Before the auction is over, I will log in everyday and do the task to earn more skillpoints and receive daily log-in gifts.
Location: Jita 4-4
Wallet: Positive
No kill right

Many basic skills reached five
Perfect drone skills, more than 26million sp on Drones
more than 10million sp on Navigation
Caldari Carrier/Minmatar Carrier/Gallente Carrier/Capital Ships reached five

With over 4.8mil unallocated sp
With over 1 billion on implants
I will pay for the 20 USD transfer fee.
Startbid from 70b
Buyout 90b
Thanks for your time!

Still waiting for an offer

Still waiting for a fair offer

55B[quote=“William Rin, post:1, topic:362033, full:true, username:William_Rin”]

Before the auction is over, I will log in everyday and do the task to earn more skillpoints and receive daily log-in gifts.
Location: Jita 4-4
Wallet: Positive
No kill right

Many basic skills reached five
Perfect drone skills, more than 26million sp on Drones
more than 10million sp on Navigation
Caldari Carrier/Minmatar Carrier/Gallente Carrier/Capital Ships reached five

With over 4.8mil unallocated sp
With over 1 billion on implants
I will pay for the 20 USD transfer fee.
Startbid from 70b
Buyout 90b
Thanks for your time!


Thanks for your offer! Waiting for a higher bid.

still waiting for a proper offer

Still waiting for a offer, please bid

Still waiting for an offer, please bid

Waiting for a proper offer~

Still waiting for a higher bid~

Still waiting, please offer your bid

Still waiting for a proper bid~

Wish you a good day~

Wish you a good day and still waiting for a proper bid~

Have a nice day and welcome to offer your bid~

40B for the toon

Thank you so much for your offer~Still looking for a higher bid

45Bill for the toon

Thanks for your offer! Expecting more
