SOLD WTS gorgeous VNI Female 4.8m with many points

Hi, selling myself

  • Planetary Interactions
  • VNI
  • 645k of Free points

is in high sec, can use another injector, some boosk injected, gorgeous and is the name of the Lasy Shiva character of Comics.

Is in high sec, no killing rights, positive wallet If interested answer the thread dont reading eve mail.

Price: 3.7b
Transfer method: Credit card, then the transfer is very quick

“Edited by ISD Sakimura”

4.8m SP now, sunday bump

@Sandra_Woosan, please edit and chose which option you’ll be using for the transfer! In accordance with the Rules, seller always pays for the transfer. ISK from the sale goes to the character being sold, owner sends ISK, leaving just enough to be ISK-positive, just prior to initiating the transfer to one of his/her other toons.

I wish you good luck with your sale! :slight_smile:

Credit card, the n the ransfer is very quick. Um. In the past i sold many toons, but dont know now i need say form of transfer. Done.

Monday Bump

Today bumpo.

I go to stay outside the city, checking thread in night.

I’ll give you 3.25bn isk for it right now

Sold, i need the space now.

I am eating the dinner, send the isk and account name and i deliver in 20 min.

Will send isk and account name as soon as something sells, one second

Ok i am connected but in a very crap connection =P

Dont hurry.

sorry, sorry, stuff taking slightly longer to sell. Only have 3.1bn avaliable right now if that’s ok with you?

Otherwise I’ll have the other 150mil in around 15 mins

Send me the 3.1 and i trust to you to send me ater the 150m to other char, REDACTED

roger, 3.1 sent to Sandra and eve-mail sent with account name to transfer to

full 3.25bn has been sent and a mail with the account name has been sent.

Transfer done, please answer the thread when receive the EVE Mail of CCP.


We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred to you will remain on the sender’s account but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: -

Will be completed after: -

Great doing business with you

Enjoy, remember she is the secret identity of Lady Shiva of dc comics =)

She will be put to good use :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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