[Sold] WTS Industrialist Base (5m sp)

Beginnings of an industrialist character with 10 job slots available. No jump clones or kill rights, positive wallet, and located in Jita.


Price: 4.5B

No thank you

Can do 4b

Thanks but I’m going to wait for 4.5

In Eve some people like building sandcastles and some like tearing them down. If you’re one of the former this may be a great character for you.

Bump, but with at least five characters

Any remaps available?

Remap available now + 2 bonus remaps

I am tempted since I’m already sick of checking the forums but I’m going to give it at least another weekend. Thanks for the offer though.

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I’ll take the char for 4.5b, sending isk and details in game.

Offer accepted, I’ll begin the transfer once the isk and account info is received.

Isk and info received, waiting on destination character transfer as discussed in game. I’ll update the thread again when the transfer has been initiated.

Transfer started

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