SOLD***WTS - Plo Koon, Jedi Master (23M SP - Tengu, Gila Pilot)***SOLD

Good Day,

I’d like to sell this pilot: EveSkillboard - Plo Koon (PW: 789)

  • Name is from Star Wars :stuck_out_tongue:
  • No player corp history…still in noob corp
  • 2 bonus remaps
  • Parked in Jita
  • No kills rights for or against
  • Positive wallet and security status

All CCP rules apply and I pay the $20 transfer fee.

In game contact will be Inari Dahl (when I’m online).

…and Go!

Market seems quite slow these days…a character like this would have been sold on it’s first day.

Monday Bump.

12b offer

Thanks for offer but need more than extraction price to make it worth spending $20…otherwise, I just extract and still have a char which can skill farm (which is worth about 2.5B).

Can you do 14B?

Let me know. Thanks.

Ill do 14bil :slight_smile:

Cool. Please send ISK and mail me your account info. I’ll keep checking this post this morning for your response and to start transfer.


Sure. Let’s do 15B…getting online now.

Uhh, I just woke up, am I to late ? I’m ready to send isk now.

Other guy bailed…seemed afraid to give out his account info for transfer??

Send 14B and account info…I’m loggin in now.

ISK and account info received. Logging off to start transfer.


Keep getting an error when trying to log into account management. Let me try a reboot and see if that helps. I’ll keep trying until it works.

Transfer started…I’m just waiting for confirmation email.

You have chosen to transfer the character Plo Koon to the account named IXXXXXXXXXXXXXXY.

We are currently processing this transfer. The character you are transferring will remain on your account, but will not be playable until the transfer automatically completes.

Thanks again and Enjoy.

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