
ISK received, I just need your EVE account name so I know where to transfer

Edit : send it in game please

Account name received! I’ll start the transfer now.
Reply when you receive the character please!
Enjoy o7

sent account name let me know when you start the Character Transfer :slight_smile:

See above:) Transfer already in progress

ok thank you i will let you know when i get it

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got the character it was a pleasure doing business with you i was wondering if we might be able to be friends and possibly conduct business in the future its really hard to find good people to do business with and id love to add you my corp will be needing more toons in the future i really appreciate your professionalism 5 stars 10 out of 10 thank you and please let me know if we can keep in touch this seller is highly Recommended and vary trustworthy if in the future your selling more characters on the Character Bazaar please let me know and i really hope to be able to stay in touch for Future Endeavors :slight_smile: :grin:

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Enjoy your character:)
I’ll contact you in-game today:)

ok that sounds great my friend what toon will the message be from if you dont mind me asking so i know its you?