


51 bil

51.5 bil

52 bil

52.5 bil

53 bil

54 bil

56bil b/o

added B/O:60B
my reasons of the price are:
firstly,43M sp worth at least 40B;
secondly,4 titans’ injected skill worth at least 20B;
finally,2 high-grade implants worth at least 6B;
totally 66B * 90% off almost 60B.
and i will left some small assets around 1B for free!!!

i am at working right now , so dont send me in game messages, only post here!

60b b/o
For the next 10hrs not at home, so will do anything as soon i‘m at home

B/O accepted ! but cannot hold 10 hours.
Who send 60B first who get my toon. Sorry!

Will send 60 bil b/o if you’re active now

will be online in 5 min but have only limited time if its still available

60 bil isk sent to account Balagorn

B/O accepted and ISK and Account Information got , i will start the transfer soon.

Account details confirmed… thank you :smiley:

We are currently processing this transfer. The character being transferred will remain on your account until the process is complete, but will not be playable during this time.

Character Name: Balagorn

Will be completed after: 7/12/2018 3:48:19 PM

If you did not initiate this character transfer, please file a ticket to Customer Support.


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