80b and it’s yours
79bil b/o offer. offer lasts 12 hours only otherwise i will spend isk on other things.
BTW, any remap left?
80 bil
I will go for 82bil if its mine right now.
a bunch of fake bidders… this toon will never sell.
I’m asking for 80. If I saw 90 bil 3 hours ago i would have accepted… noob troll
Please Write post Closed, is it ok when i give you the plex amount?
Waiting for isk and account info
Is it okey when i give you the plex amout?
plex amount?
Isk only. I’m waiting for you
Ok, i will convert to Isk, gimme a minute.
85b b/o
Its already sold mate, i am sending it atm
He can tell me that himself. 85b b/o
I cant find you
Do you got any other char to sent to?
that’s wrong character. Tell CCP yo refund you. That used to be my main character =)