

Aeon Pilot
Amarr and Gallente Carrier
Positive Wallet
clone with slave set and another with +5
15mil sp fleet support
45,000 skill points unallocated

Bid: 70Bil

B/o: 80 Bil

I’m seeing 98.5 million skill points.

Bid 75b.

I’m seeing 98.5 million skill points.
Bid 75b.

79.5 bil for quick b/o ? Offer expires 24h.

up it goes

reduced b/o to 80 Bil

still up

Confirming 75b bid.

let’s meet in middle at 77,5

no reply. still up

78 b/o ISK ready now


81 b/o

82 b/o

83 b/o

85 b/o

86 b/o

90 b/o

91 b/o

all bids retracted

Back to 78 b/o then.