Solo player looking to join horde

Howdy, I’m a former goon looking to switch sides and join a chill null-sec corp on the horde side. I have 90M+ skill points and am currently working on maxing out Rorqual & ice mining skills. I primarily mine/rat and would like to primarily make fuel blocks.

Hey, we are just starting in High Sec and recruiting: GDawn :slight_smile:

Edit 20:04 EvE Time:

Since I would never allow myself to start a discussion in a other recruitment thread, I will only edit this post and otherwise I will not write here anymore. Of course this is not spam.

  • We have 0.0 access through our sister alliance, even if we do not actively advertise it.

  • We are not part of the Imperium, the old coalition of this player.

  • We have a similar corp theme when it comes to roleplaying.

So this is of course not spam, but a legitimate alternative offer. Posting this should still be allowed.

Do you even bother to read any of these ads or are you just spamming replies?


Of course, I read every single post here that I respond to carefully. I am mentioned in the Lesser Key of Solomon, the Munich Manual of Demonic Magic, the Liber Officiorum Spirituum and the Fasciculus Rerum Geomanticarum. That would be about 500 years of corporation history. :wink:

The fact that you are spamming on unrelated threads says everything anyone needs to know about your corp.

Jog off.

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