I wish I could be on a zoon call from say Dodixi to Hek and use this zoom call to buy and sell things and issue commands to my ship. Come on something managing stations that are considered a home station of business. Zoom calls is something we have on earth so why not in space.

Youā€™re having difficulty because youā€™re trying to ice skate uphill. In other words, youā€™re doing it wrong.

Youā€™re trying run before youā€™ve even learned to crawl. Start small. Setup ONE manufacturing center. Train your skills and research your BPOs for time and material efficiency. Produce goods and haul them to ONE marketā€”and NOT Jita, where youā€™ll never compete with established industrialists. Find a gap in one of the secondary markets, some item that is in low supply that you can manufacture and sell at a profit.

Stop sprawling your assets and you wonā€™t need logistics to move them around.

Also, if you go to either of the two hauling services I linked previously, they tell you how to create a courier contract for their service.

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I figured out how to Install an extra jump clone where you just jumped to so you can go there again. I tend to hoard when I should sell and sell when I should hoard. I donā€™t make a very good businessman. I finally outfitted all my hurricanes and thoraxs. I was buying them and not equipping them. I wish we could click deliver goods no matter where you are. I think I will make HEK my central point of business because it is in the center of the other 4. My friend wants me to fight for minerals in X70MU which I understand why he wants to do that. Plus it is next to Torrenos where he does science. Youā€™re right I am trying to run. He has a couple of years of experience on me and I am trying to catch up so I bought a lot of PLEX.

Send me a mail in game if youā€™re actually new i can help you out understanding different systems and why some restrictions are in place like only having access to the regional market

ok cool, my real-life friend got me to play and he helped me out a lot in terms of how to do things. Iā€™ve been actively playing for maybe a month. I bought a total of 1250 so that helped. My real life friend has been playing for several years.

Next, I need to figure out how to get my stuff from my planets in HEK. My friend showed me how to do a launch but hasnā€™t told me how to retrieve that launch,

Honestly, thatā€™s not the way it works. EVE is a very complex game. Your knowledge as a player is a bigger factor in determining success than the amount of ISK you buy with PLEX or the number of SP your character injects. Get a basic grasp of the overall mechanics and then focus on getting good at one small facet of the game. When youā€™ve become proficient at that, learn the next thing. Small steps.

you go to the Poco on that planet and pick it up

this already exists. theyā€™re known as Courier Contracts or hauling your stuff yourself.

well guarded by who?
Players? NPCs?
Can we interdict these NPC haulers like we can interdict player piloted freighters and other industrial ships?

yup. you did. And you 100% deserved to get ganked with that appalling fit.
Why you were hauling expensive blueprints in a completely untanked t1 hauler is a but of a mystery to me. Iā€™ll put it down to inexperience.
High-value, low m^3 goods, like BPOs, can and should be carted around in a <2s align interceptor or other fast moving, hard to catch ship.
Putting them into that Itty V was A Very Bad Ideaā„¢.
Thereā€™s a lesson in that loss, if youā€™re prepared to confront your own failings and learn that lesson.
Most people posting in these forums have had some kind of loss at some point in our EVE Life.
You either learn from it, or you donā€™t. That choice is yours.

As for moving stuff around, the good folk at PushX and Red Frog are very, VERY good at what they do. They fly freighters through some hellish territory on a regular basis. Because they know what they are doing and take steps to ensure safe delivery of cargo, they are very successful at it. While I will personally haul anything that will fit in a DST around empire space quite happily, when I have bulky stuff, I just pay one of the hauling corps to deal with it for me. Sure, it can eat into my profit margins, but I donā€™t care as either my stuff gets where I want it to be, or I get the collateral payout and either way, I donā€™t have to do the tedious hauling thing myself.
In 10 years of playing EVE, Iā€™ve never had a collateral payout from either Red Frog or PushX. They earn their ISK and I, for one, have nothing but respect for them. I certainly donā€™t want to see their gameplay or business model made obsolete by NPCs.


Yep, me too. For BPOs and such, I use a nano-fit T3D (0.78s align with Nomads). For other stuff, a BR or a DST with cloak+MWD. Anything bigger? Contract that crap to PushX or Red Frog. Iā€™m not moving it, even with a max-skilled freighter alt.

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Thatā€™s easy, you provide courier contracts to the players that are able to move small volume; high value goods, even through insta-gank gate camps.


Nevermind, no you donā€™t, we all left because CCP started to egregiously waste our timeā€¦

shame we canā€™t hire NPC services to haul stuff for us, weā€™d have to buy it and maybe use a drag and drop window and select a destination some how, but i could see this being opened up to player based raiding where people can hit NPC haulers going between systems, like how people can hit NPC mining groups.

this could lead to game play elements of orchestrating ship to ship raiding, putting hauling assets at risk but not specifically the player ships, this gives us ship boarding and raiding without actually being an element which directly effects players.

i could see there being a payment for ā€œasset securityā€ being a combination of workforce and destruction insurance.

if done for cheap and scheduled this could create a steady stream of NPC haulers flying around the place or perhaps between fixed stations or even structures.

perhaps the ships used being civilian model have smallr cargos holds.

you could select the number of items and total M3 and then it organise it into a number of ships, over time, with a cost per run.

meaning it would be substancially less effective than using a JF service, but some people could still use it for smaller products to help earn some isk.

EVE is a player-run economy, and there are already player-run hauling corporations ferrying goods from one end of New Eden to the otherā€”all day, every day. Real players, doing this job. Why would you replace their role with an NPC?

Whatā€™s next? NPC miners to mine oneā€™s ore? NPC industrialists making ships and modules for the market? NPC AI chatbots to talk to, and with whom to form a corporation? Why not NPC mercenaries to shoot pirates? Or NPC explorers to scan anomalies and loot data sites? At what point does an MMO then become a single-player RTS?

What youā€™re proposing is antithetical to EVEā€™s core principles.