There’s also a mathematical problem as well. This site gives you like 10 minutes to mine 30k ore. Not happening.
Read the rest of the post. Camping, bubbles etc. Are legal.
Starting timers, attacking orcas, flying far from the point, are not legal.
If we’re going to get special events to reward miners for doing their worthless, boring activity, can we also have special events to reward gankers? The old CODE. Venture Killing Contests would make great official events, you could have cool anti-mining Atron and Catalyst skins as rewards.
limiting player amount to 4 is bad idea. 4 ventures will not be able to complete site at all. even two retrievers will have problem.
another problem there is that someone can mine away the ores and run with them…if its special type of ore not obtainable on market then site cannot be completed
#DaPheel Thurogood: yes this behavior falls into suspension and ban policy,so better to not block the site by stuffing with alts and not letting anyone going inside…but read carefully whole first post,you got all your answers there…
this event is basically zero risk full reward,just stuff sites with mining alts and noone else can interrupt it. REMOVE player limit because its negating “eve is sandbox” rule.
Still doesn’t make things completely clear.
From the rules I read that:
This policy is intended to prevent players using the special aspects of the empire mining expedition sites (including but not limited to the site population cap, limited timer, and friendly NPCs) to prevent other players from being able to complete the sites.
As EVE is a very competitive game, this policy seems very one-sided, as it allows the miners to stuff the site to their population cap to stop any PvP threat from coming in, all according to the rules, while the PvPer is not allowed to do the same in return.
It is abuse of the special aspects of the mining expedition sites, but it is done in order to finish the sites, so it is allowed according to the rules. Unlike when any pvpers do the same to prevent other players from completing the site.
My point is, setting up rules instead of gameplay mechanics kills any creativity as any creative gameplay is illegal as long as those rules aren’t defined well.
Also good luck to the miners, it seems you’re allowed to just stuff the site full of mining ships to stop any pvp threat from coming in, according to the rules!
The event has been launched with quite a few bugs.
- Acceleration gates will tell you the site is full when it absolutely isn’t.
- The chat channels for the sites don’t update based on who joins only who speaks.
- The LP store for the event is not implemented. (Pochven feels)
- The standings for State Military Stockpile do not give standings with Caldari State despite being a subcorp.
- Payments from the event are not subject to corporation taxes.
- Rocks disappear at 25% of your lazer cycle in a PROSPECT.
- Standings gains for mining pilots are not affected by Connections but are for the PVE pilots.
- PVE pilots do not get credit if the NPCs get the killing blow on a target.
This is another example of something needing more QA before release.
The event is really in a rough spot on launch and only lasts 6 days
If you want players to not do those things, make it so players can’t do those things.
Don’t want players to fly far away from the entry point to deny entry? Surround the event sites with AOE damage clouds that will kill players that try.
Don’t want players to start all of the timers in a system? Give them a debuff / cooldown so they can only have one active timer.
Don’t want players shooting friendly NPC Orcas? Make the NPC Orcas immune to player damage.
Seriously CCP, you can’t just ask players to “be nice to each other” and expect them to do it.
This is EvE.
It’s a sandbox full of twats, trolls, and fuckfaces who enjoy collecting tears for lulz.
The only way to guarantee that players won’t do something is to make it impossible for them to do.
Hello? Since when did they ever support emergent gameplay? I’ve been playing since 2012 and all I’ve seen is nerds and removing aspects of the emergent gameplay.
so you are really going to ban people for participating in this event in their own way without reading the fine print?
This is actually hilarious
The pinnacle of game design
lol CCP why do i even bother talking with you poeple…
Can we prevent one of these gates from being built, can we play for the pirates trying to stop this?
Or is the event only to see who gets their names on the monument?
Nothing about this event is emergent, player driven content. There’s a predetermined outcome.
People obsess over a ‘sandbox’ that has almost all of it’s combat dictated by arbitrarily placed stargates and the mechanics around them. There is nothing ‘sandbox’ about hording around an object placed by the game developers so you can kill something without a fight. It’s pathetic.
I read a pretty awesome phrase on another similar game last week ‘consensual PVP’. They had this wild idea that people should never be forced to fight unless they wanted to, and instead focused on incentives and the ability for newer players to fight on relatively even terms. Once that game’s latest release is ironed out, I’ll be trying it.
Players that want that should definitely play that game. The sooner the better.
But players that want a decent working player driven economy in a sandbox should not.
Why tho
I am so confused on why you’re adding rules to a sandbox game.
“Don’t shoot the Orcas” - Okay, make them invulnerable
“Don’t fly away from the site” - Cool, surround it with a death cloud"
“Don’t start all the timers without engaging in the content.” - You guys seriously designed something this exploitable, and put it in anyways?
This feels like you guys don’t have the development manpower to finish the event, and are instead offloading the burden onto the community team. More and more I feel like EVE is basically on life support, so this is extremely disappointing.
Lol. Gee gee
I mean is it really though?