This event is horrible. The timers are too fast because solos in mining frigates trigger them then run away, you’re delayed an extra 2 minutes by the broken acceleration gates, and the NPCs steal the kills on the bountiless pirate NPCs. As usual the solo play opportunities are non-existent.
There also is apparently NO LP Store for State Military Stockpile
We need the site pop cap issue resolved or pop cap completely removed NOW.
We need State Military Stockpile LP stores added NOW.
We need NPC Blues to not steal kill credit NOW.
We need sites that are “half done” to give rewards still NOW.
If you wait till downtime then this event NEEDS to be extended by a day or more because this is ridiculous. A majority of sites fail because of this BS and there’s zero incentive to run any of these with randoms or solo, or a majority of the sites period since so many are already active and there’s zero rewards for anyone “late” or any failures which are more likely due to missing a minute and a half stuck on the BROKEN acceleration gate than due to actual player mistakes.
Then please also give the Amarr and Caldari a proper connection to CONCORD space. Genesis is in a way a “highsec peninsula” with the only HS connection to the rest of Amarr space going the long way around and hopping on the silk road. Would also make the earlygame much less annoying for Amarr players, currently it’s more than 40 jumps from the career agents to the SoE Epic Arc.
Caldari also technically have no direct connection to CONCORD space, they have to do at least one jump through Gallente space (Synchelle).
The Caldari issue is definitely a pain. Especially for those who are in FW. Makes no sense for Amarr and Caldari to be split by Gallente space unless the Gallente invaded said space.
I don’t really have a horse in this race, but it just feels a little sad. Even if ganking or whatever didn’t affect the outcome, it feels a little out-of-place for all the gates to finish even without help.
Since we have it confirmed the gates will be built no matter what, can we get some dev notes on why these gates are being built (dev notes not in-game lore notes)?
Thank you!
I would certainly have loved it to have more depth in the way of players being able to disrupt the efforts but given the nature of the sites I had a sinking feeling it would turn out this way. Still a huge step up from volatile SKINs…
Well, until now, everyone who came to Irgrus wanted to be in Irgrus.
In the future most travellers want to visit Sister Alitura or Yulai. I’m not even sure if it’s bad, but for sure it will be different.
Consistantly snatching disappointment from the grasp of triumph since way back when.
The promise of EVE tantilises us yet the delivery …
To be fair, on this occasion, your media partner may have inflated expectations with unfounded enthusiasms.
Would have been interesting to at least have them implemented one at a time, with the order decided by the player contributions (similar to the T3D release).
I really dislike how you are mishandling events one after the other…that whole Pochven thing was already pretty bad and now the “you can do sites and have advocacy over what’s going to happen”-BS…how about non-misleading announcements and marketing? just an idea