Stargate Trailblazers Event

That was in doubt? the patch notes were pretty clear… oh wait nobody reads those, thats right my bad

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If there is any CSM candidate who does not support this change, it’s a good time to step up and claim my vote among many others.


The empires are titanic, even if we could stop the gates in theory, it’s really just inevitable for the purpose of this event. CCP really can’t make every event open ended, that’s the other… 99% percent of the game, yeah? Enjoy the event, onboard some friends or family. Thanks CCP! The knockoff yeezy’s in the new standing rewards are pretty cute. XD

The game was always pay-to-play. While I agree that I would like everything to be free too, it just ain’t right as some things feel much better when worked for. As an Alpha I was able to source enough income to eventually Plex my account. It took months to get to that level. But I did it! You can and should make it a mission to accomplish Plexxing your account through WORK rather than handouts!

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Changes to the Resource Wars LP stores look good.

Removal of terribly priced ship fits and change of skins from being volatile to permanent is good.

Also seems sensible that ‘exclusive’ tier clothes take a bit more work to earn now than just dropping ISK on them.

At this point, I’d like to see more addition of unique cosmetics than just recolor of shoes, pants, and a skin tight shirt.

Those coveralls from Gunjack would make a perfect cosmetic for the LP store. Easy incentive to grind LP for Resource Wars.


After beating my head on multiple sites in multiple systems, unable to enter - yeah, I’m skipping this.

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Will we be able to get the Loyality Points for the according LP stores after this event as well, or only during this event?

it really is a shame that if you want a developer to listen you have to literally boycott a game that you really liked until the devs decide to do something that makes it unlike why you even started playing it at all.

and to think they literally said ‘if you don’t like a change don’t play’

i’m starting to realise the attitude they’ve developed and it stinks worse than mouldy faeces.

extremely frustrating when you cannot enter empty site that just spawned. due to error message saying its too crowded

or worse, only 1 ship out of few being able to enter, and rest getting mesage its too crowded, while only 1 player is inside the site

I hate the new gate in minmatar space. Really. Due to game mechanims it will make another activity (actually, several) in the regions become useless.

Can you make it in Hekk/attindur/Bei instead of those space ? Or Even better, in Jorus ! It’s a Minmatar system in a deaden that would really need a use. Horaekja and Irgrus already their owns.

What are we nerfing this time?

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why kikimora can enter minor site? and why i see this when try enter on cruiser in minor?
You,Fozzi, dont know your own content?

Not really, the players would crash the nodes long enough for no gates to go up anyways :].
Brute force doesn’t always win.

Why? After 2 years if nerfing mining and indy I won’t throw good money after bad. I was hoping with this event that CCP understood what they had done and were trying to correct it but once again too much faith in CCP.

I agree that many things feel great when you work for them. I was a paying customer from day one, till I was forced out the game by CCP Rat’s /balance team changes over the last 2 years. I worked my butt off to become a alliance indy director, capital builder, newbro trainer, mission runner, bomber pilot, and combat pilot to support my friends/alliance in high sec. CCP killed all mining and indy in high sec. CCP nerfed all bounties, loot tables and loot drop rates in high sec.

If I want to PK there are better games out there and I play them, they get my money,

I have little to no faith in CCP, CCP Rat or any of CCP employees to make Eve a rewarding and enjoyable game. So no money for them till they start making a better game. I will also NEVER play another game that CCP does or PA does.

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Lighten up, Francis.


I’m all for respectful discourse, but you HAD to know a good chunk of the community was going to react like this. Some people have spent months to years selecting, building up, and moving into regions they consider home (in highsec). I can’t speak for other places but Solitude had a unique player community that will be permanently disrupted by this absurd change. It very likely could go extinct. Promotional materials for weeks have made it seem as though this would be a player choice. Even your announcement of the surprise event launch today made it seem that way. There have been countless posts on these forums and elsewhere on either side of this issue.

As a result I’m really not interested in pleas for civility (seriously do you guys read your own forms, the overall behavior is absolutely atrocious), I want to know what on Earth the developers are thinking? I want to know why the communication on this was so terribly handled. I want to know why this change is being forced on us. I want to know what the developers think they’re doing by forcing this change on us. I want to you to explain to me, from the developers point of view, how the design of this event isn’t absolutely terrible.

If you’re not going to provide anything for us on this score then…well…you reap what you sow imo.


Lazy dodge.

Totally agree with everything you have said, even more so considering the only response we get from CCP when we ask where they see Eve Online heading is “Trust us”.

Over the several previous updates and patches that trust level is / has been eroded to a bare minimum.

But who am I kidding, CCP aint gonna say jack about what’s going on.


I will give you this about the SKINs at least.

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