People obviously should not be jerks to each other, but this is just such a slap in the face…
See Fozzie’s post:
Do you think CCP will be better off anouncing all the changes they plan for the next 12 months ahead of time.
Their blurb about the Solitude gate is just simply false. It’s not true. I’m honestly stunned they even tried to make this argument.
This is no different then what they’ve actually done. They made a decision for opaque and seeming contradictory reasons (we don’t really know why, since they have yet to be honest with out about it) and are forcing that decision on everyone. Do they have the RIGHT to do this? Absolutely. Is it a good idea? Absolutely not.
I don’t spend time in Solitude so I’m not sure which parts of what they said about Solitude aren’t true.
I’m a little frustrated about the gate to Stain, but I also know that a stagnant universe is a boring universe.
I mean all I see is hate these days and the problem with that is people will give up because they can’t trust that in the next 2 years they will receive any type of content to their game play style, but being open with us before hand will either confirm their fears or re-assure players about investing more time into eve.
As I said I had a sinking feeling that it would go this way. I even made the joke the other night that this could turn out to be the most elaborate april fools ever at my expense. I guess I am glad it wasn’t THAT
I will say doing this the week before CSM was just really mean
I see where you are going… i like it
I wrote about it a little above, but you can’t argue a new gate won’t effect the regional population when it BOTH cuts the number of jumps in half (little more then half actually) AND connects it to heavily populated FW region. It’s a give away to pvp players who don’t want to do what everyone who lives in Solitude, pve and pvp oriented alike, already did: move to or deploy IN Solitude.
The argument is absolutely absurd. Change for the sake of it is not interesting and can actually be harmful.
On the bright side, perhaps INTI will lose their stranglehold on the markets in the region. Poor trade for a region that is already unique and offers every type of gameplay this game has to offer.
No, not at all.
But some idea of what is coming, something that is actually true, would ease the rage a lot of people are experiencing right now.
I get the feeling that CCP are just pumping out unfinished updates to meet unobtainable deadlines in order to get bonuses and / or to appease idiotic management.
The devs are getting it full force from the community because they are customer facing.
I do wonder if any of what is said ever gets fed back to the people who are forcing out these car crash updates.
However, some idea of what is planned would be a good idea because “trust us” just aint working anymore.
There may be some merit to this, but that has to be balanced against player agency. Players can’t make informed choices if the rug is routinely pulled out from under them.
No, it’s reality.
You need to lighten up. There is absolutely no reason why you need to be this angry about these changes.
you just killed 4 regions out of their originality to make them bland and boring. enjoy your cheap nirvana as you turned stain Into another venal, frat member are already coming In masse
Really shows you how such bad design creeps in when this is probably all they hear from the CSM.
I have detailed in several threads why I’m upset and why this is bad. If you choose not to read any of that that, or choose to ignore it, there’s nothing I can do to convince you.
Whatever else you’ve “done for the game”, in this you performed an extreme disservice.
Then stop whining and go fight them.
I read it all. I think Fozzie’s explanations make more sense than your complaints about them.
There’s no disservice here at all. Change is a good thing. You don’t like it, and that’s unfortunate, because if the last year of EVE should have taught anybody anything, it’s to expect and embrace change, rather than throw temper tantrums over it.
Change for the sake of it is not good. Removing something unique from game simply for the sake of change is even worse.
I’ll tell you what, I’ll buy that you’ve read everything that has been written about it (I doubt it, but I’m willing to give you the benefit of the doubt for the sake of argument) do you have anything to say about the individual points? What about the questions asked in this very thread? I think you’re just going to hide behind the NDA shield rather then actually debate it, but I’d love to be proven wrong. At least then we’d have more then the mystified silence of CCP.
fight what ? you gave them tool to pull burners and do mission while being nullified and instant warp : )
never heard about blazing ? this stupid doctrine that would be an exploit In any others mmo Is allowed here and from imperium : )
enjoy the cheap nirvana
Well, I had a wonderful experiencing with queueing. I’ll go back to profitable enterprises.
Change is Change. Period.
Sometimes good, sometimes bad. You’re making bad things “good” because they are “change”.
If the change imply to remove all the player base ; then change is bad.
If the change can remove the player base ; then change is bad.
I’m all for making specific chokepoints, eg a LS gate to stain. But don’t pretend that change is good in itself. Change is bad when it just removes choices, possibilities, strategies.