Starter Rorqual Pilot looking for corp

I am just starting to break into piloting a Rorqual and looking to join a corp!

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Hey Velaria!

Perhaps Instrumentality of Trade could be interesting to you! We are looking at supporting and producing rorquals in the near future.

Who are we?

We see the corp more as an open forum to find common activities in industry (new markets, products etc). Since moving to the Great Wildlands, we also do regular Moon mining, PvP, and PvE ops out of NPC Nullsec from our staging system there (where we have stations as well). The security wing is certainly something we are looking to expand. We are primarily an indy corp, however. We have a Raitaru set up in Highsec for our research and production needs. Join us and expect a good base for boosting the start of your industry undertakings.

Currently, we are a handful of people, and we are looking for mature, social players that are interested in learning and having fun. As the founder of the corp I see it as my primary role to find you new content, as long as you show interest. I care about my corp mates being tolerant and respectful. We treat each other excellently and expect the same of you.

We have a flat organizational structure, where people collaborate on a project basis. If you participate in mining operations, for instance, expect to keep all you make. If you join up in PvP, we will make sure that your losses are balanced out by supplying appropriate ships for our fleets. We are here to support each other with a large blueprint library.

What are we looking for?

The most important qualities we look for are good people that are interested in starting something new and learning along the way. Therefore we have no prerequisites in terms of SP, preferred roles, etc. If you work well with the corp, we will find the content we need. If participating in Nullsec activities, we require you to be on voice comms when in game, at least listening. At best, you have a pvp-fitted ship ready to fleet up when our alliance needs us, and participate in our ice mining to fuel our stations.

We have members spread out over US and EU timezones (personally in GMT+1).

Head on over to our discord and say hello!

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