State of Ganking

Yeah, I have no desire to own a POS. Nor do I want to employ stooges to defend it. Sounds dumb and tedious. I just want Indy War Targets I can go hunt.

CCP requiring an HQ is just stupid.

Merc corps were always a thing and never a threat to what I do. They typically just gate camp. Now, I suppose they have a structure to just afk wap. Cool.

I predict our wardecs will just end with some group blowing up our structure when we are offline.

I just miss this damn game. Too bad CCP ruined it. Logged in at lunch yesterday to check in. Wow. What a mess off shameless money grubbing. Too bad they ran off people who paid for it like me.

Its sad really.

People like you sign up for a game knowing damn well what it is. Then ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  on the forums until you get your way.

Thatā€™s not the sad part.

The sad part is, most game companies listen to you. Then, they watch their player base dwindle.


Is there anyway to nicely hide the POS? or is it just public knowledge

What the hell did CCP do? How can a company that was so good for so long suddenly destroy their own game?

The thing is, when this happened, it suspiciously coincided with a huge dip in the player baseā€¦ they still havenā€™t figured it out?


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A POS canā€™t act as a war HQ. It only makes you eligible to receive incoming wars. But yes, you can hide it. Basically imagine someone having to search every moon in empire space to find where it is if they wanted to kill it.

For a war HQ, youā€™ll need an Upwell structure, and its location will be prominently listed in the war interface.

So, basically if I want to wardec people I have to build a War HQ. Its location will be public knowledge and it will get blown up in a day or two.

It might survive for a while, depending on how far away it is from primary areas. Lots of players might not want to travel very far three times in a week just to split the profits of a core drop.

But generally yes, it will die.

You can put your war headquarters in a wormhole, which may or may not make it live a few days longer.

I dont mind travelling to the middle of nowhere to do that, but eventually one of the corps will muster up the cyber energy to blow it upā€¦ then they get a reward?

Whatā€™s the process of blowing it up besides just AFK bashing it? It takes a few days to kill?

Thatā€™s not a bad idea. What are the build requirements for one of these. I think its worth a shot. Build this ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  in some ugly spot. Go crazy while I can, then rinse and repeat.

I definitely have no desire to defend it.

War HQs in particular need to be located in high-sec space.

They will get the core, plus any ammo/fuel drops. So at least about 600 million ISK, depending on the structure you use. An Astrahus can defend itself against a gang of 3-4 players, but probably not more than that (and not perpetually).

Yeahā€¦I donā€™t believe any of that. If you really have a passion for hunting ships to the point you get sexually aroused by it, then get in a Loki or Curse, filament out, and get to work. People do it soloā€¦allā€¦theā€¦.time. Iā€™m sure with all your experience and passion for the great hunt you will have no problem getting an app in with the Tuskers or New Order Outreach Division. You know, guys who hunt ships all the time and are wildly successful at it. Stop whining on the forums about how itā€™s hard for you to shoot ventures now and go smoke some nerds.


No desire to join an in-game group. Especially groups that gate camp. Iā€™ve explained this.

No desire to force it in a game that has riddled the process with gimmicks.

I was very good at what I did. We were the 2nd highest bountied corp in the game at one point with 5 people in the corp. I know what iā€™m looking for. Just trying to see if it still exists, or if there is a new way to do it that isnā€™t completely stupid.

There is no need to project your personal state of depression into your reply on an internet forum for a dying game. Relax. You simply donā€™t understand because you hate yourself too much.

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I learn something new every day.

But $$.

CCP removed bounties, because the carebears cried about mean bully PvPers were placing bounties on innocent little carebears.



I though they removed it because their CSM is composed entirely of null tycoons that claimed that bounties were causing lag in their structure bash war.

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Iā€™m not a null person (yet), but CCP has to listen to the paying customers. Pay more, get heard more. The ancient introduction of Plex into the game was the beginning of the real world incursion into Eve of outside money/power.

omg. it is amazing to see a company destroy their game so thoroughly. what a stupid thing

I donā€™t think the game has been destroyed, but I would like to see the bounty system returned. Bitter vets complain a bit too much for my taste. Regardless, our last update stated that the bounty system would return in October or November of 2020.

So itā€™s been a while since CCP was willing to discuss this issue, and I find the lack of communication to be the real issue. Itā€™s fine if CCP makes a decision this way or that, even thought I might disagree, but perhaps the developers could do more to communicate and discuss with the community.