Still anyone using Linux?

using ubuntu

base wine
wine --version
wine-8.12 (Staging)

with dxvk 2.2

I reverted to nvidia server 525
xserver-xorg-video-nvidia-525/lunar-security,lunar-updates,now 525.125.06-0ubuntu0.23.04.1 amd64 [installed,automatic]
because server 535 had random crashes.

with vsync off on jita undock:

it seems like anti-aliasing:high and shadow:high uses a lot of CPU (I hear the fan) so I turn it off.

with max settings on jita undock

I remove logs to file because on my previous rig it produces HIGH load after a while, like the log was in-memory and rewritten every 2s instead of flushing the new entries. Made the game literally unplayable after… 1h ?

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