

How does this make you feel? We can work through our feelings here, man. At which point in viewing these (3) images do you start sobbing?


Heh, if you keep posting the whole forum community will start sobbing.

Aw come on DMC. Don’t tell me you have a soft spot for freighter pilots?

“Rage-Alt” post detected.

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Btw it’s ag, they don’t have caps :wink:

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I would be scared to know any of them own capitals given they lack basic knowledge in game mechanics…

Doesn’t mean they know how to use them :wink:
Just look at Silent Infinity or any other provi entity (since that’s where they all hide when they face some resistance)

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There are more efficient way to counter gankers than trying to bump them…



I too am trying my best to stop the griefing menace that is gankers!


Stop whining and lern to avoid ganking. Like moving to 0.0. There is no ganking. Only PVP.

*I know. PVP in a PVP-game is bad. For whatever reason…

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Bump in a newb ship?


Good on you OP. I’m sure this time, you’ll be the guy able to pull together the carebears of highsec into a cohesive force. Yes sirree. You’ll be the one.

I do like the ending of your post, ‘no skills required’.

You know what they say, doing the same thing over again and expecting a different outcome is foolish. Why is your no skills approach going to be any more effective than all the skilless attempts before?

I’m creating my alt right now, we need more fresh ideas and inspirational posts like the OP’s.

Shame on the AG community for not thinking of this sooner.

it’s ag, they don’t have caps…

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:joy: :rofl:

A wise man once said that for evil to triumph all that is required is that good men do nothing .

Let me help you bring this to modern times, without the romantic nonsense behind it.

Evil triumphs, not because the good ones do nothing. Evil triumphs, because the good ones are delusional, self entitled, ineffective, dependent whiners who learned how to be good people by watching movies giving them completely wrong ideas about what it means to fight opposition.

The best part about this in EVE is how the good people are actually bad people, who show totalitarian tendencies. to top this, they’re so wacko and out of touch with the world, they think that not using the same tactics and methods of the opposition makes them better people somehow, while all it makes them is losers. :smiley:

My respects to Jenn Marland. One of the few who gets it right. o7



… now all you have to do is teach the miners and haulers too.

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If you don’t want to get ganked then don’t. Most of the times when it happens the victim is at fault for being careless.

Check your route, use a scout, time your hauls, use webs to instawarp away. There is no guarantee it not happening but you can make yourself a very hard target to gank and minimize the chances. Couple that with the abundance of “easy” AP flying targets out there it’s unlikely you’ll get caught.

Overall just be aware of what is around you at all times.

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I’m sorry but I gotta call horseshit on what you just posted. It’s not only incorrect, it’s also offensive and demeaning.