Stop the ganking start the pvping

War decs for low and null sec?

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Structures located in Faction Nulsec Space should also be safe space as we expand these last changes of Uprising we see in Highsec :slightly_smiling_face:

What a load of utter rubbish. People consent to wardec PvP the minute they put up a POS for a wardec eligible corp. Nobody forces them to put up that POS.

There is not, and never has been, any ā€˜PvE Onlyā€™ part of Eve. Undocking, putting up stations, etc, has always come with PvP risk. If you want a solely PvE game then go play Homeworld single player on your own and stop trying to wreck the one good PvP MMO that is left !

Pay attention to the conversation. They are talking about bringing back old wardecs where you donā€™t need a structure in space.

PvE is a big part of EVE and at various times throughout the games history there has been PvE available without being forced into PvP.

Iā€™m not going to leave just because you are telling me to go play something else. I want to play EVE, I want EVE to make changes. I donā€™t care if that makes you angry, get over it. EVE is not your game, itā€™s not up to you to decide who is worthy of playing it.

You clearly arenā€™tā€¦as I responded to a specific generic statement that you made, and noā€¦you donā€™t get away with throwing in generic statements and then afterwards claiming you were talking about a specific issue. I see what you did there. The usual dishonesty I have come to expect.

Look at my post. Top right shows itā€™s a reply. Click that, read the context.

Calm down.

What part of ā€™ I was responding to a specific generic statement that you made ā€™ donā€™t you understand ?

What if not everybody else is interested in EVE as a whole?
What if some people just like the piracy for the challenged of it?

Then I can say this with all the words:

f4ck what you think other people should be doing, go worry about your own life and your miserable style of gameplay

f4ck your notions about what is right or true, true or false, up and down

f4ck your reasons why you are here, other people are here for other reasons

f4ck what you think what is true pvp, nobody cares about you or about what you think

Some people will come here and cut just the slice of pie they find more tasty



The part where youā€™re lying. You responded to my post talking about how people consent to wardecs by having structures. My response was to someone saying that old wardecs should be brought back and that additional limits should be put in place to stop people getting out of them.

If all youā€™re going to do is get angry and ignore what people are actually saying, please go do something else. Noone here needs to be subjected to your anger management issues.

Approved. Shooting Whinebabys, more amusing than structures.

Unless you need a key to get in, not gonna happen.

You say itā€™s good but history shows that it wasnā€™t.

From the changes theyā€™ve made it looks more and more like instanced PvE is the future.

All that has changed is that your average whinebaby now dies by ganking rather than by war.


Nonsense. I responded to a specific statement of yours that I even put in quotes. Do I need to take into account English not being your first language or something like thatā€¦as you are truly making a dogā€™s dinner of comprehending that. As for ā€˜angerā€™ā€¦the person getting all uppity is youā€¦as your dishonest attempt to insert a generic ā€˜forcing PvP combatā€™ statement into what you claim is simply a statement about old style wardecs got caught out.

You talk about there being a ā€˜conversationā€™. Noā€¦such dishonest arguing is the very antithesis of conversation. It is trolling.

That and thereā€™s been a huge surge in the number of people socially interacting as people no longer need to stash themselves away in NPC corps to avoid wars. Itā€™s by no means perfect but the old war system was ridiculous. All it led to was people logging off or leaving corp when wars occurred and so for the majority of wars there was no content on either side. Mechanics which routinely create content voids are bad mechanics.

Keep arguing with yourself all you want, I have no intention of putting up with your outrage. Everyone else can go look at the context of my comment.

Nahā€¦Iā€™m off to actually play Eve, and bash some stations. You are irrelevant.

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Wars were tons of fun. One CEO enjoyed the experience of me popping him so much, gave me a command ship as part of the surrender.

In some cases, absolutely, just like now some wars are still fun. The problem is that most wars were not back when mass wardeccing existed.

Who said old wardecs are coming back?

The frightened crybears.

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