Stratios WH / PVP / PVE / EXP

Solo, The buffer tank will neut out the dual repper very quickly and then it will die. I just killed a dual repper very easily today (I don’t post my kills), and I typically only see dual reppers in my travels.

You could do “light” PVP by only going after frigates and such, but they are pretty hard to target fast enough in a Stratios and you have to leave the exploration sites up and camped to draw them in. I would encourage you for laughs to fit a Stratios or better yet an Astero for PVP and find some decent sites to camp and see how you do. I actually make more money than the explorers and WH site runners that I kill. I don’t PVE at all.

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Hunting other explorers while relic hunting is a fun time. Especially in wormholes. The Astero is definitely better for that, and I enjoy flying it more than the Stratios. Stratios is slow, and defintely is much slower when it comes to locking targets. Anyone competent in a frigate is going to have a very good chance of getting away. Plus the Astero is a much cheaper ship to lose while you are learning the cloaky game.


If you want to hack sites in a wormhole, I suggest doing it with the cheapest ship you can do it with. Don’t risk a 400 million isk Stratios on a relic site when you can do the exact same thing with a 4 million isk imicus. You will get ganked by a hunter in a t3 cruiser. Also, fit at least 2 warp stabs when you hack the sites (3 preferably, and 4 if you are in an astero).

For PvP, a combat fit Astero is a great ship at catching other explorers because it has a faster locking time than the bigger ships. The Stratios is probably the best value of wormhole PvP ships because it has a large engagement profile and can find a place in any wormhole PvP small gang. You can fly either a buffer or active fit. Here are two fits I have used with success.

The king of the wormhole PvP ships are the t3 cruisers. There are a lot of fitting options. Some of the most popular are up close high DPS Proteus fits, slick kite fit Lokis, hard neuting Legions, or Tengus with insane active tanks. They are all good, but cost a lot and can cost you skill points when you lose one.

For PvE, you are safer ratting in null sec or running HS level 4 missions than running sites in a c1-c3 wormhole solo. However, a fortune can be made in c5 and c6 class wormholes provided you really know what you’re doing, and have the capital and skills to invest in big ships like dreads. You will need a crew that can keep hole control working with you. I’ve not made it to that level yet personally, but I understand the isk is great even if its a grind to run the sites and keep yourself safe.

Thank, you, great fits :))

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