Just a question about the Hyperion. Is it hard to do lvl4’s in or is it just me? I’ve got tech 2 everything on it except for my guns. I don’t have a problem tanking anything, it just seems to take forever to kill anything. Granted, I only got into lvl4’s about 3 days ago so I know I’ve got a lot to learn.
Coming up through the pve missions, I used the catalyst, Thorax and Brutix. I didnt really want to fly a drone boat. So I feel like I have, or should have, a decent grasp on flying a gun boat. Once I chose the hyperion over the Megathron because I love the way it looks. Would the Megathron be a better choice?
Like I said, I have no trouble at all staying alive, just killing stuff. I can kill stuff, it just takes a long time. Will getting my guns to tech 2 make that big of a difference? I’ve tried blasters and rail guns, and of course each has it’s own playstyle. I prefer rails over blasters, but neither seemed to benefit over the other in my experience with my skills.
Anyways, just looking for advice or suggestions. I don’t mean to be complaining if it is coming across that way. Just wondering if I need to branch out into another ship or even a different faction if I feel like flying gun boats.