i havent heard anything up to now. Why new player cannot benefit from this?
Why CCP cant make profit out of it .
what is in it For CCP in that ? Why New player has to spent couple of month more to create new one and train untill come up same lvl skill point ?
Of course new players can benefit from it. You’re asking for a benefit for new players, so that’s not a surprise.
The relevant question is, do new players need this particular benefit? And does it help retention, as you claim?
its free … if only 1% of all who try EVE as alpha start to pay CCP wins
you make 1.5 mills sp as omega per month … more with implants … more with rearrange attributes … so its very easy to make a new usefull alt … and if you go omega you can just train the missing skills on your main … so maybe you have a few skills you dont need each day but still … i have over 100 mill sp on one of my main chars … i have a lot of skills i dont need each day but sometimes they are usefull …
so dont think to much about that idea … its not worth it … the system has good and bad things … you cant allwys have what you want because its maybe against what others want …
just WHY? instead of they can rearrange it only once and CCP make profit over it . How many new players just leave game frustration addition of realiseation of they actually wasted lot of skill points over here over there while they had been chasing something good in their imagination and or saw at videos before they start play about they realised its not for them … then quit with accumulation of different frustrations ?
Why the why?
The main thing I’m missing in this proposal is a good reason. You say it increases retention, I don’t see how. You say it gives a benefit, I don’t see why new players need that benefit.
i have met so many of them… they just didnt want to roll back re do it. with a charater in their hand by knowing they mixed and stirred lot of things ourt of focuse…
that doesnt give them accomplishment feeling really…
And this not to best feeling to motivate to do all over from start then for months…
also they suddenly become face to face realisation that i they would like to progress on the content they figured out fits to them at he end… now they need to travel same amount of time again to focuse their characters skills on there and be effective more
. just too much time for them to bother… they just moove on …
Then I hate to say it, but theres a lot of other things in this game that will make them move on if this is a hurdle they cant over come too.
what CCP loose if they eliminate one of them … As i mentioned before… this an accumulation
Maybe you could motivate them to not worry about SP in the ‘wrong skills’ so much. I mean, you’re a veteran and should know better that whatever the newbie trained in their first few weeks is never going to be wasted.
If a newbie seems down, tell them to make use of the skills they have now. Give them a goal to work for in the future! EVE is a game for the long haul, so they better learn soon that their choices have consequences, but aren’t game-ending.
Players can train whatever they want and if they want to fly thing one now, and thing two tomorrow, they may have to lower their expectations. A SP reshuffle when they get Omega will confuse their expectations even more, when they may start to think that this is a regular thing that is possible.
Teach a new player that they can train one skill today and make plans for tomorrow. And if they train one thing today and it isn’t the thing they want to use tomorrow, that it isn’t bad, as they will be able to use their currently trained skill somewhere further down the line. No skill is truly wasted.
And if you still think they are wasted, get some skill extractors.
Because that’s what you’re asking for: 10 character-bound skill extractors for newbies to turn all their earlier choices irrelevant.
What? I dont understand that reply.
If they find it difficult to find the will to continue because they accidently trained Shield Manipulation to V, then how are they going to get over their first ship loss? Their first scam? Their first exploration that yields 1 carbon?
thats not the question you asked to me i guess… because it was not me raise the prior question… I just answer it … And even its simply not focuse point of this spesific sugestion …
Its exactly your focal point.
You are saying that getting 1 or 2m SP in the “wrong” place somehow creates a wall of effort players are unwilling to climb.
As, still, a new player I’m on the fence on this one. I can see how it would help players to fix “mistakes” they made, being new.
At the same time they made those “mistakes” because of a lack of effort on their own part. If they played for months they had all the time to figure things out, make more alpha accounts and try different things. If people couldn’t be bothered by that time it’s not going to happen anyway and no “fix” will solve that.
On top of that I feel that people finding their own ways and joys is far more important than conforming to what’s “best” at that moment. After trying several things I CHOSE to be Amarr and only fly Amarr even though many people suggested that to be silly and “wrong”. Would I have listened to someone going “you should do and fly this, use your single reset and you too can conform to the norm” then that might very well make me quit. My own choices, my own responsibility.
I like your attitude
thank you so much for sugestions …
but im already doing these for many years… And not all new pilots i get 1. day of game play so we can talk with so these grows into pilot naturaly… This part is already something im working on it not come with sugestions but bring project life and its really working fine… we have very high retention …
Some of these pilots already into weeks or months even … and in several different corps or npc… already… so i dont have so much thing can do about it… but of course saying these things… but doesnt change the results so much
Even though I think the idea has merit, the attitude you put forth has just as much merit if not more.
I went into this game already knowing about a lot of stuff from reading/watching online. I knew it’s a long-run commitment and treat it as such.
I made mistakes and will make more mistakes, with skill straining as well as a few other different things like which modules help what and which ship is good for what but I learned in the process and my choice my responsibility sums it up nicely.
I agree with that. A few ‘mistakes’ in Skill allocation isn’t ground to quit EVE and if it is then they weren’t going to stay anyway.
Another thing, Alpha is for trying the game, not play it.
I think CCP is damn generous to let people play EVE for free.
I think the Alpha State should only be available for a year at most. After that, pay subscription or uninstall.
@Xanthellus That was a great example from a new pilot who gets in forums read and write… and has an attitude with responsibility and eagerness to take responsibility for their actions. And eager to engage.
In this point not even in game but even in real life this stand up for a trait within many other traits… One of the reason EvE Online Players age average is high also that trait develops and matures up with an age for most people… And some people regardless of their age have it or never have it.
But we cannot simply boil down there and take this as a kind of measurement . We need to be able to open for many different coulours of these traits … …This is a game … Beautifull and unforgiven in its nature…And there is pilots with many different traits and personalities in their backpack and adaptation takes shorter for some people longer for others … and telling them in the first months of game if you are not capable to adapt fast and also be patient enough to wait… then its not for you… may be … may be not… may be will take couple of turns. being open hearted doesnt hurt anything
@Ramona_McCandless One of the things CCP helps them to orient and adapt to this nature is to give them chance to grow into the game … Any little thing helps… Therefore CCP launched the " Grief Help" project for the new pilots who lost their ships the first time … to ease their first crash a bit more and support them. So they care and it’s soo valuable.
So why bother with any of this? Why not just give all New Alphas 3 in everything without the need to train?
Have you worked out how much time on average could possibly be lost by getting skills “wrong” before 5m is reached? Ive made numerous Alphas in all kinds of ways and really, the time lost because of one or two mis-chosen skills is pretty minimal, and is inconsquential compared to the skills used in Omega. Or do you think they should get another SP remap every 5m skill points?
Where does the coddling end?
it wasn’t because this idea doesnt cover for the pilots first 1 days or 5 days of game play… this covers a concern about they gain later on when they figure out the things