Suggest reverting the market back and just limiting relistings per day

It won’t actually help. If you want to manage your orders with the new system you can’t actually do it.

I agree that a different timer was probably a less threatening solution that could’ve been tried first, in terms of potential damage to the market health.

I think changing two variables at once has made it difficult to properly measure the effects of this experiment, those two changes being a change to increments as well as the new relisting fee.

I refuse to participate in a market that penalizes traders solely for being competitive. I have posted elsewhere regarding this topic, so no need to repeat myself.

As it is now, this market has no realism to it. The broker fees for merely undercutting a competitor defeats the competitive nature of the market, therefore it is not a market at all.

The argument of “Simply put your listing up at a decent price in the first place and you won’t have to relist it 50 times a day…” is as specious as it is ignorant. A “decent” price is what the market will bear, plain and simple. If stuff doesn’t sell, traders will lower the price until it does.

There is no real-life correspondence to the market rules as they now exist. Why? Because markets don’t work that way, period.

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This is a good thing.

Also good, because CCP didn’t say they were trying to recreate a “real-life” market. They’re using aspects and elements inspired but real-life operations, but never did they say it’s intended to mirror reality.

But there is a lot of correspondence to the markets in other internet games. Why?

EvE isn’t real life


What blows my mind is anyone looking at this design from the out side in can see this issue in 2 seconds. Yet no F’s given and the feature was implemented anyway. Isn’t that the real problem?

Welcome to the working world, where the last person to be put in charge is the person who knows anything about the project.

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The market change is the opposite of ‘dumbing down’. It’s adding restrictions and the results is:

It does not just reward players for grinding (constantly changing orders) and it hurts bots. It’s encouraging players to think long term not short term. It encourages interaction (private trade and contracts). It encourages players to develope out of game skills/knowledge.

So yeah, the more i think about it the more I’m enjoying it.


Well, I’m not sure saying there is no real life equivalent for these market changes is a good argument. I mean, Eve has tens of thousands of industrialists and traders all selling the exact same items. Like industrialists can’t increase build quality, improve aesthetics, offer a better warranty, change branding, or anything like that. They’re all selling the exact same variations of the same items. So, I wouldn’t expect markets to work exactly the same way they do in real life. Like, if I hop on amazon to buy a keyboard, I have more than a handful of meta variants to choose from. And when I do decide to buy that F-12 Enduring Wireless Keyboard, I won’t be restricted to buying from the lowest priced listing.

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Ill go for real life markets if the also change ship classes to reflect real life naming conventions.

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